Quality of Life — TSU — Quality of Life — TSU

The Laboratory for Comparative Research in Quality of Life

The Laboratory for Comparative Research in Quality of Life is established to create and develop scientific and educational environment for encouraging and doing complex cross-disciplinary research of the quality-of-life and well-being, objective and subjective factors affecting the quality-of-life.

The activity of the Laboratory:

1. Doing and developing fundamental cross-disciplinary research of quality of life and wellbeing in a changing world;
2. Design and update of educational elements on quality of life (topics within disciplines, disciplines, campus courses, academic degree programs, learning technologies across all levels of education);
3. Analysis of the urban environment as a factor of quality of life and human potential development;
4. Measurement of various aspects of the quality of life, as well as an analysis of existing indicators and indices that characterize the quality of life, subjective well-being of the person and the factors affecting them.


The 5th International University Cities Forum

The 5th Anniversary University Cities Forum will be held on 2 — 4 December 2020 at National Research Tomsk State University on virtual platform. Forum

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27 November – The 5th International Transdisciplinary Research and Practice Online Conference Connect-Universum-2020

27 November TSU invites you to join the Zoom broadcast of the plenary part of the 5th International Transdisciplinary Research and Practice Online Conference Connect-Universum-2020.

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IV International University Cities Forum

From November 27 to November 30 the IV International University Cities Forum will be held at the National Research Tomsk State University. The theme of

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Eduard V. Galazhinsky

PhD, Professor, Doctor of Psychology, Fellow of the Russian Academy of Education. The Rector at National Research Tomsk State University

Kennon Sheldon

Fusce non dui tristique libero tempus cursus vel eu orci. Nulla non eleifend sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes

Dmitry A. Leontiev

Ph.D., Dr. Sc., is Head of the International laboratory of positive psychology of motivation and personality at Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Darya V. Chernikova

PhD (Social Philosophy), Deputy Director, Center for Urban Studies and Regional Development (CUr)

Evgeniy V. Shchekotin

PhD (Philosophy); Research Fellow, Laboratory of Big Data in Social Sciences, Tomsk State University; Senior Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations, Novosibirsk State

Natalia V. Kozlova

PhD, National Research Tomsk State University, Psychology Department

Roberto Bruni

Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Business Management at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio — Italy

Steve Millington

Director of the Institute of Place Management Special Interest Group for Place Making and a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Manchester Metropolitan University

Irina Kuzheleva-Sagan

Specialist in the field of ontology and epistemology, Doctor of Philosophy (doctor habilitatus); Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD); the Head of the Department of Social

Valeriya N. Petrova

PhD in Psychology, Associate professor. National Research Tomsk State University

Svetlana V. Tyulyupo

Viability and subjective well-being of young urban and rural communities; psychological conditions for the positive development of a child in a risk society; psychological health

Irina V. Roschina


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