The 5th Anniversary University Cities Forum will be held on 2 — 4 December 2020 at National Research Tomsk State University on virtual platform. Forum theme: “University and city: virtual vs physical spaces & communities”.
This year event is devoted to the rethinking challenges that digital transformation poses for modern education and science.
Rapidly emerging trends bring hope for a new paradigm in higher education that can be free from social differentiation and digital inequality. The mission of the university in these conditions is not only the generation and transmission of knowledge, but also the formation of new trends and needs in the development of the individual’s potential for its compliance with global changes.
In the face of new challenges, the university city is forced to master both real and virtual contexts in order to manage the expectations of society. The adaptation of urban communities and spaces to new realities is a general task of the city and the university. Their collaboration becomes the key to success in the face of global competition.
The 5th International University Cities Forum will take place online at National Research Tomsk State University.
Additional information is also available on the Forum website.