Greenpeace has created an interactive map of Russia’s renewable energy sources — Quality of Life — TSU

Greenpeace has created an interactive map of Russia’s renewable energy sources

Greenpeace Russia has created an interactive map of active solar, wind, geothermal, biogas and small hydropower stations. In total, there are more than 200 such objects on the map.

The map shows which regions are developing renewable energy, you can also find out the installed capacity of each facility and the year it was commissioned. The information is based on publicly available data. The map does not include large hydroelectric dams, as their construction and operation have a negative impact on biodiversity, the ecological status of rivers and are often associated with the need to flood large areas.

«There is a stereotype that there is no renewable energy in Russia. We had created this map to show that this is not true. Using examples from specific regions, we can see how green energy initiatives are being implemented in our country. Renewable energy sources make it possible to reduce the use of fossil fuels, associated greenhouse gas emissions and help make an important contribution to fighting the climate crisis,» has commented Vladimir Asikritov, the Head of the Green Energy Programme.

Russia has been started developing renewable energy relatively recently: until a few years ago, there were no large industrial solar or wind power stations in the country.

The potential of renewables in Russia has not been fully exploited yet. Russia has a tremendous opportunity to substitute fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. In the long term, the country could become one of the leaders in the development of climate-friendly energy.
