Project manager: Natalia V. Kozlova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Department of Genetic and Clinical Psychology, TSU
Main executives:
- Anastasia G. Varlamova, Expert of the Center for Lean Technologies in Public Health of the Siberian State Medical University, Assistant of the Department of Fundamental Psychology and Behavioral Medicine of the Siberian State Medical University, Postgraduate Student of TSU
- Victoria B. Obukhovskaya, Expert of the Center for Lean Technologies in Public Health of the Siberian State Medical University, Assistant of the Department of Fundamental Psychology and Behavioral Medicine of the Siberian State Medical University
- Dilara G. Nazmetdinova, Junior Researcher of the Neurological Department of the Tomsk Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Postgraduate Student of TSU
The problem of quality of life in the presence of neurological symptoms as a criterion for the rehabilitation of neurological patients and the factor of preservation of mental and physical health of a person, its psychological security is fundamental. This is due to the recognition by the world Health organization of the enormous contribution of neurological symptoms to the burden of global noncommunicable diseases, as well as the recognition that the global health impact of neurological diseases has been underestimated over the years.
The relevance of the solution of the scientific problem of this project is determined by the increase in the frequency, severity and prevalence of neurological pathology, insufficient effectiveness of the existing system of preventive and rehabilitation measures that do not take into account the totality of all etiological and pathogenetic markers, including the psychological characteristics of patients, which, as a consequence, leads to a decrease in the quality of life of such patients. This ambiguity and inconsistency of medical and psychological ideas about the criteria for the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with neurological symptoms leads to the need for careful development of the grounds for rehabilitation measures, including indicators of quality of life, as well as the resources of psychological safety of patients, their adaptive views. Taking into account the interdisciplinary nature of the problem, the modern approach to its solution should take into account the quality of life as a criterion for the rehabilitation of patients with neurological symptoms.