Accents of this sphere are based on project obligations in elaboration of different quality of life evaluation methods
Subjective indicators and psychological quality of life predictors
Approbation of new methods for referent contexts diagnosis (the reference scale, D.A. Leontiev), life values (life values scale, D.A. Leontiev), the quality of live questionnaire (D.A. Leontiev), the quality of life research (M. Frisch / E. Rasskazova).
Quality of life as a rehabilitation criterion of patients with neurological symptoms
- Determination of components and features for psychological security of patients with neurological symptoms.
- Discovering a co-relation between quality of life and components of psychological security for patients with neurological symptoms.
- Carrying out a statistical data analysis, discovering regularities between quality of life and psychological security for patients with neurological symptoms.
- Determination of factors providing effectiveness of rehabilitation and adaptation for patients with neurological symptoms in accordance with life quality as a rehabilitation criterion.
Creative middle class as a driver for sustainable development of a region and life quality improvement (through the example of Tomsk region)
This project aims to form features of creative middle class in Tomsk region as a principal social actor and driver of sustainable social and economic development of a region, and life quality improvement on this basement.
Expected research results:
- Elaboration of methods to define a creative middle class in Tomsk region, based on the anthroposocietal approach.
- Carrying out a complex research of Tomsk region population to define the social stratification.
- Discovering a co-relation between life quality indexes and the sustainable development of Tomsk region, along with a percent of creative middle class.
- Expansion of characteristics and indicators of a sustainable development and a life quality (as an example of Tomsk region).
Resiliency and subjective well-being of the youth in urban, rural and nomadic Siberian communities
Empirical stage of research will involve more than 1000 of young people (aged from 13 to 26) representing more than 50 small (urban, rural and nomadic) communities living in Siberian Federal District together with circumpolar territories of the region.
On this base it is expected:
- To discover sustainable combinations of characteristics of life-sustenance, individual resources and their co-relations specific for the youth representing small Siberian communities;
- To emphasize group-specific and individual components of profiles which are linked with objective life-sustenance characteristics of target communities, and with the nature of specific complications in a living situation;
- To describe environmental and internal components of a life-sustenance profile the most connected to subjective well-being indicators in the youth’s target groups, and to reveal particularities of this connection in the co-relation with corresponding environmental, ethnic integration and social and economic aspects of a community’s life-sustenance;
- To describe a specificity in the system of co-relations between life-sustenance indicators and a subjective well-being of the youth’s representatives in the age-specified aspects and those of co-relation with a nature of individual conditions that embarrass the respondents’ life-sustenance.
Integral indicators of life quality, life sustenance and sustainable development of a city through the example of city prosperity index (CPI) for Tomsk
The aim of the research is to analyze the well-being, the population’s life quality, stability and comfort of the urban environment in accordance with estimation of integral indexes by using CPI for Tomsk to support elaborations of territory development strategies, as well as to compare the indicators of city well-being on the global platform UN-HABITAT.
Expected results of project realization:
- Analysis of particularities of Tomsk as a field for practical research of city’s well-being.
- Adaptation of methods for calculation of CPI to Tomsk particularities.
- Calculation of CPI for Tomsk based on integral indicators of measurement and evaluation of city development level.
- Determination of Tomsk rating for prosperity level among other cities if the world.
- Received data analysis and discovering of problems in citizens’ life-sustenance as well as directions for the city’s development.
The results of the research will be represented as a detailed analytical report including the following indicator units: Productivity – Infrastructure – Life Quality – Equality and social integration – Ecological stability – Governance and legislation. The received data will help to discover main spheres and corresponding problems for an effective and resultative investment planning for territorial development. Integral indicators calculated during research can be used as instruments and mechanisms of monitoring for achievement of priorities and goals for the social and economic development for Tomsk and the region as well as globally. The final integral indicator can be used to determine the position of Tomsk on the global platform UN-HABITAT CPI among other cities of the world. Generally, the calculation of CPI for Tomsk will help to reveal the problems of its development and sustainable benefits affecting its development potential.