Flying taxis will appear in Spain in 2022 — Quality of Life — TSU

Flying taxis will appear in Spain in 2022

A flying taxi and drone service will be opened in Barcelona and Santiago de Compostela.

Spanish company “Enaire” has announced that it will launch an air taxi service in 2022. Enaire’s CEO Angel Luis Arias has spoken about the company’s plans at an online conference.

«We need to move urban mobility into the third dimension: airspace. And we need to do it as efficiently and sustainably as we can», — has noted Angel Luis Arias.

Arias has said “Enaire” has been working on European projects involving the use of flying taxis and other flying vehicles to move people around urban and semi-urban areas, as well as the use of drones to deliver goods.

“Enaire” is participating in two EU-funded projects that belong to “Horizon-2020”, the union’s biggest research and innovation programme to date.

«The plan envisages that both projects will demonstrate air taxis capabilities in Europe in 2022», — “Enaire” has said in a statement.
